How about this for a novel concept, why not remove all politicians and replace them with specialists in the field? Instead of a Minister of Health (who may not have any health experience) it could be a group (or board) of leading health professionals providing the blueprint for our health system. Education, would have those leaders in the field who have significantly contributed and are best suited to provide insight into the future direction of our education system. These boards of the top people in their profession might be reviewed every four years to see if members stay in their positions. If the Industry, Innovation and Science board was struggling they might consider a Shark Tank or petition style process, where everyday people present ideas for consideration. The Arts Board might actually have some money to create a future for the industry and those who want to create beautiful works or performances to inspire communities. There would be no Liberal, No Labour and no Pauline Hanson (because we are looking for the smartest people in Australia not the most provoking). Our Prime Minister could be the Australian of the Year or any independent person as they would not have to conform to a particular government party.
While we’re at it, we would get rid of these imaginary borders and remove state government altogether. For the most over-governed three tiered system in the world, we need strong national leaders and more money for communities at a local level, not an extra level of bureaucracy. Only then might we start gaining some faith in our government and be able to start seeing some real improvements. We will also feel more involved in the process with more choice of leaders and stronger communities and we can finally start helping to shape a future that we can be proud of.