Love Tips 101

Posted on 28 July 2015

Love Tips 101


  • You must learn to love yourself before you can love someone else.


  • Don’t try TOO hard. Love happens organically, and from both sides. If you’re rushing someone or getting too heavy, they’ll be gone before it even begins.


  • Don’t over-think things. Everyone has awkward moments to start with. It will come, give it time. If the conversation however is not flowing (or you don’t feel comfortable) after your first 5 dates, maybe he/she is not the right one!


  • Don’t be a rescuer for too long! If they can’t break habits and depend on you for everything you can’t go on holding that burden. Let go! We are all responsible for ourselves. We can’t stay with someone if they are only going to make us miserable (relationships are all about a balance of give and take).


  • Don’t rush into things. Don’t go and buy a house together, or get a joint credit card or anything like that straight away. However if you do get the opportunity to try to TRAVEL SOMEWHERE together, as soon as possible. There is no better way to fast-track your suitability than a quick trip away.


  • Don’t be scared of telling the truth. If your partner stinks, tell them (or get them some deodorant). Sooner or later when you start living together you realise that their shit stinks as much as yours and their snoring is just one of the facets that you will learn to love about them.


  • Don’t put up with SHIT. If your boyfriend does not DO ANYTHING he’s always going to be a deadbeat! That goes for males, who have a trophy g/f aswell. She will get old and ugly remember that!


  • Don’t worry too much about genetics. If you get along, everything else will sort itself out.


  • If there are just no love options and you’ve been trying to meet someone for more than 5 years, there are a few options. One thing (in most cases) is that you are being too fussy – lower your expectations and compromise and see what happens. If you’ve tried this and still nothing think about joining a local ‘mixed’ social activity such as soccer, touch footy etc. You never know who you’re going to meet! For a more extreme option you could consider going overseas for a holiday, or moving to the city, to see who you might come across. If you were in a city, maybe move to the country (preferably one with more than a thousand people) or another city and get amongst it.


  • I know I might be old-fashioned but with long-distance dating, and internet dating, but eventually you are going to have to do more than just Skype or face-time. There is no timeframe on how long it can go on like this – that is up to you and your situation! Remember things like holding hands and the birds and the bees (sorry this isn’t a sex education book – no pictures).


  • Money isn’t everything. In fact, it’s the least important thing when it comes to finding your life partner. Everything is possible especially if you are with someone with a loving and caring heart.


